A day-to-day guide to creating an allotment garden from a starting point of absolutely no knowledge and no experience.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

It's the second day of trying to bring some order to the tomato plants which grew into huge bushes during my two-week holiday. I can't believe how much they have grown in two weeks - so many massive side shoots all over the place. On some plants it takes real detective work to work out which are the side shoots and which is the main stem. A few hours with a pair of secateurs and green twine finishes with all the plants looking neat and being properly tied up. I've lost a few budding tomatoes in the process but not as many as my youngest son Nathan picked off one plant when I started trimming them yesterday. The finished job looks so much better and I can actually walk among the plants now which I couldn't do on Sunday.

The tomato plants look a lot better

There's still a lot of weeding to catch up on but at least the tomatoes are now in order - and the fruit on the remaining plants is looking good too.
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