A day-to-day guide to creating an allotment garden from a starting point of absolutely no knowledge and no experience.

Friday, June 11, 2004

I go down to the plot to try and tackle the huge amounts of weeds in the onion bed. Brambles are growing through like mad and I manage to clear the first few rows. There are so many jobs to do that I think I'll try and persuade my dad to come down and help me next week. With two people working we should be able to sort out quite a few beds. I really need to earth up the maincrop of potatoes soon. It should really have been done by now but I just haven't had the time.
Although I don't notice it, angry red ants have swarmed up my legs and bitten my ankle and legs. By the time I get home, my ankles look like and old woman's. As the afternoon wears on, they get worse so I go to the out-of-hours doctor's service. He takes one look and prescribes a course of anti-biotics. That'll teach me to work at the plot in shorts and shoes with no socks on.
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