A day-to-day guide to creating an allotment garden from a starting point of absolutely no knowledge and no experience.

Saturday, November 01, 2003

I hasn't rained much so I drive down to the allotment and load up the boot with six-odd bags then off to the dump. Back and load up again and the rubbish is gone. I am left with a couple of piles of burnable rubbish which I cover with some of the leftover carpet to try and keep it dry. The next task is planting a few onion sets. But first it's off home to hoover out the boot before my wife needs the car.

The cleared plot

My dad bought some Japanese onion sets which it says are OK for overwintering. In the afternoon, I follow the instructions on the pack and push them into the earth leaving just the tips showing. I have the feeling I didn't prepare the ground enough as some of it is still quite hard. My neighbouring allotment holder comes over to have a look. He has now finished turning over all his plot and I still wonder if I should have done the same. I press on with the onions - if they don't grow I will at least have learnt a lesson. I look for any signs of the green manure growing through on the main plot - nothing so far. I have to say the allotment looks better than I could have hoped when I started this in August.

Empty-ish looking

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